Dealing with a troublesome transmission? If gear shifts feel rough, strange sounds are coming from under the hood, and your car’s performance has taken a hit, it may be time for a transmission service. When it comes to transmissions, it can be tough to know which repair service is best, even after having diagnostics done. In the end, there are pros and cons to choosing either a transmission repair or rebuild — and certain circumstances make one a better choice than the other.
If you’re having trouble choosing which transmission service is best for your car’s situation, enlisting the help of a trusted mechanic can help you figure out the right path forward.

What Happens During a Transmission Repair Service?
Any transmission service or repair starts with an inspection of all related components. This allows your mechanic to assess which parts are worn or damaged and should be replaced. From there, faulty parts will be removed and replaced with new ones. Once any needed repairs are handled, your mechanic will test the system to make sure all components are performing well before returning the vehicle to you.
When Might a Transmission Repair Be the Best Choice?
If you’re dealing with transmission trouble, a simple service or repair is what you hope for. However, depending on the condition of components in and related to the transmission, a simple repair may or may not be the best choice. There are a couple of conditions that help make a transmission repair the right service for your vehicle.
Only Select Parts Need to Be Replaced
Sometimes only one or two parts in your car’s transmission have worn out. If all that’s needed is the replacement of those parts, a simple transmission repair is likely your best option. While this is a quicker and easier repair service, it’s still essential to have a mechanic with expertise in working on transmissions to ensure the system is restored to its proper operation.
You Need to Save on Cost
Because only select parts are being replaced, you’ll not only save on time but also on cost. If you’re looking to save money while also fixing your vehicle, hope that a transmission repair is all you need. At the same time, though it’s a cheaper repair, if it doesn’t fix all the issues with your vehicle, you may find yourself spending more in the long run. Your mechanic can help you find the right balance between affordable repairs and ensuring you don’t run into bigger problems down the road.
What are the Downsides to Choosing a Transmission Repair?
The decision to go with a transmission repair over a rebuild should ultimately come down to what’s needed to get your vehicle running smoothly again. If numerous components in the transmission have worn out or are damaged, opting to have a simple transmission repair done will likely mean that some faulty parts are left in the transmission. In short, more extensive transmission problems cannot be solved by a simple repair.
What’s Involved in a Transmission Rebuild Service?
At first, a transmission rebuild starts out the same as a simple repair. Your mechanic will inspect all related components to assess how extensive the problem is in your car’s transmission. If it’s determined that a transmission rebuild is necessary, further disassembly is required to access all parts that need to be replaced. The transmission will be uninstalled from your vehicle, disassembled, and thoroughly inspected, and any worn parts replaced before re-assembly and re-installation.
When is a Transmission Rebuild the Best Option?
In general, transmission rebuilds are more commonly the best choice for older and used vehicles where simple repairs won’t cut it and a full replacement isn’t an option. Even with newer vehicles, a rebuild can be the most economical and more cost-effective than other repair services.
There’s More Extensive Damage in the Transmission
A transmission rebuild may be recommended when there’s more damage or wear in the system than a simple repair can fix. Because a rebuild service requires more complete disassembly of the transmission, the amount of damage must make the extra labor and cost worth it. At the same time, by fully disassembling the transmission, your mechanic can be sure to replace every part that’s worn, faulty, or damaged.
You’ll Extend the Life of Your Car’s Transmission
If you want to keep your vehicle for years to come, extending the life of the transmission can be a big benefit. The repairs done during a transmission rebuild will help extend the life of your car’s original transmission, allowing you to continue driving it for years to come. Often, a transmission rebuild will carry you through the remainder of your car’s lifespan.
What are the Downsides to Choosing a Transmission Rebuild?
While a transmission rebuild service allows your mechanic to be more thorough with the replacement of faulty parts, it still falls short of a full replacement. When it’s an option, a transmission replacement helps restore full factory performance, though it can be costly. Even a rebuild will set you back more money than a simpler repair, so it’s important to consider all options carefully and consult your mechanic before making a final decision.
Need Help Making the Right Decision? AAMCO’s Expert Mechanics Can Help with Your Transmission Troubles
Find a mechanic who can not only help repair your vehicle but also give valuable advice about which services are best for your situation. The transmission experts at your local AAMCO Chester auto shop are here to help assess your vehicle’s condition and recommend the right repairs. Schedule your appointment with us today!