When buying a new car, you may wonder how helpful a warranty really is. Answering that question isn’t exactly straightforward — it depends on your specific warranty, how well you take care of your vehicle, and a few other factors. In general, there are a few ways to tell whether your next transmission repair may be covered under warranty — and what to do if you’re stuck paying for the repair yourself.

Take a Look at What Type of Warranty You Have
In order to determine whether a transmission repair will be covered by your warranty, it’s essential to start by looking at the terms of your specific agreement. Different warranties cover more or less when it comes to repair costs — and some only cover regular maintenance.
Many Extended Warranties Cover the Cost of Transmission Repairs
When purchasing a new vehicle, you have the option to pay for an extended warranty. If you opted to take on this extra cost, your transmission repairs may be covered. Most extended warranties cover the cost of repairs due to defects — meaning if there was a problem when the vehicle was purchased and it became apparent later as a transmission repair, it may be covered.
Repairs from Normal Wear & Tear May Not Be Covered
The downside to warranties is that they don’t cover repairs from normal wear and tear. That means if your transmission repair is necessary due to you driving the vehicle and falls within the normal timeframes, you’re likely still responsible for any costs. While it’s impossible to avoid some wear and tear, you can take steps to avoid additional damage, such as being smart about your driving habits and keeping up with maintenance.
Repairs from an Accident or Negligence Won’t Be Covered Under Warranty
It may go without saying, but if you get in an accident, any related repairs will not be covered under warranty. The same goes for any repairs due to negligence. For example, if you put off replacing your transmission fluid and end up with damage as a result, you’ll be responsible for the full cost of those repairs.
How to Tell if Your Transmission Repair May Be Covered
If your vehicle is still under warranty, it may cover repairs that are due to manufacturer defects, but other repairs may be your responsibility. How can you determine whether your transmission repair may be due to a defect rather than normal wear and tear or negligence? You can take a few steps, though an official determination is ultimately up to a mechanic’s diagnosis and the manufacturer’s decision.
Look at the Average Lifespan of Parts in Your Transmission
How can you tell whether a repair is due to a defect or normal wear and tear? Ultimately, this is determined by your mechanic and the manufacturer. However, once you know which repairs are recommended, you can look into the normal lifespan of that part. If the repair is necessary far earlier than it typically would be, it’s possible the repair is covered under warranty.
Keep Up with Regular Transmission Maintenance Services
Don’t get trapped in repair costs due to negligence. Schedule transmission maintenance services at the recommended intervals to prevent additional repairs — and make it more likely that any repairs that come up under warranty will be covered. If you can’t prove you’ve taken good care of your vehicle, you’re more likely to have to foot the bill for any repairs.
Be Careful with Your Driving Habits
Your driving habits play a big role in the health of your car’s transmission, as well as other related systems. Avoid causing extra wear and tear or damage by easing off the gas and being responsible about towing heavy loads. Not only will you help extend the life of your vehicle, you may also be able to avoid paying for repairs under warranty.
What to Do When Your Transmission Repair isn’t Covered
The fact is, not all transmission repairs will be covered under an extended warranty. If you find yourself stuck with the cost of a transmission repair, you at least have the freedom to choose any mechanic you like to carry out the repair.
Find a Reliable Mechanic Who Can Ensure Your Transmission Operates Smoothly
Make sure you find a mechanic you trust to get your transmission operating properly again — and to help keep each of your car’s systems running their best. Take time to do your research and find a mechanic with the right knowledge, skills, and tools to do the job right.
Trust AAMCO’s Mechanics with Your Next Transmission Repair
Stuck with the cost of your next transmission repair? Don’t worry — head to your nearest AAMCO Chester transmission shop and we’ll help get you quickly and safely back on the road again. Plus, qualifying customers can take advantage of our financing options to help spread out payments over time with zero interest. Schedule your appointment with us online today!