What Does a Transmission Rebuild Entail?
When it comes to transmission repairs, service repair types will differ depending on your vehicle’s needs. While some problems can be solved with a simple transmission repair, others may mean the system needs to be rebuilt or replaced. Knowing the signs of worn...
Transmission Troubles: Repair vs Rebuild – A Practical Guide to Making the Right Decision
Dealing with a troublesome transmission? If gear shifts feel rough, strange sounds are coming from under the hood, and your car’s performance has taken a hit, it may be time for a transmission service. When it comes to transmissions, it can be tough to know which...
Is Transmission Repair Covered By My Car Warranty?
When buying a new car, you may wonder how helpful a warranty really is. Answering that question isn’t exactly straightforward — it depends on your specific warranty, how well you take care of your vehicle, and a few other factors. In general, there are a few ways to...
Performance Boost: Enhancing Your Engine’s Power and Efficiency
When your engine’s health suffers, so does your car’s overall performance. Other related systems may run into problems, you may have trouble getting the acceleration power you need, and you may burn through fuel faster than normal. Keeping your car’s engine running...