Four Top Tips for a Healthy Transmission

A healthy transmission makes for a happy driver. Not only do you want to avoid expensive transmission repairs, but you can extend the life and improve the drivability of your car by taking good care of your transmission. There are many ways to help take care of your transmission or detect a transmission repair early on, but we’re focusing on five easy ways to help keep your transmission healthy. Our transmission experts at your local AAMCO are always here to help answer questions or inspect your transmission for any problems.

Keep an Eye on Your Transmission Fluid

Just like your engine oil, transmission fluid should be replaced at regular intervals. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on the level and condition of your transmission fluid to stay ahead of potential wear or damage from old or low transmission fluid. In most cars, you can do this by locating the transmission fluid dipstick, which should look similar to your engine oil dipstick. Low or dirty transmission fluid can cause a host of problems, so it’s best to schedule a transmission service with your technician if you notice a problem with your transmission fluid.

Schedule Transmission Fluid Flushes According to Your Manufacturer’s Recommendation

Take a look at your owner’s manual. Along with other regular maintenance services, you should see recommended intervals for replacing your transmission fluid. This will vary somewhat depending on where you live and your driving habits, but this is a good standard to follow. Transmission fluid replacement services are quick and easy for your mechanic to take care of and will keep many transmission repairs at bay.

Be Mindful of Your Driving Habits

As with many systems in your car, the health of your transmission depends in part on how you drive. Some driving habits have a bigger impact on transmission health than others, but it’s a good idea to be mindful of all your driving habits and how they may affect various systems of your car. When it comes to your transmission, frequent mountain driving, towing heavy loads, and frequent stop-and-go traffic can all cause extra wear on your transmission. While you can’t avoid them all, it’s good to be aware of their impact.

Your Lead Foot Could Cause Extra Transmission Wear

One driving habit you can avoid is a lead foot. If you love speeding off from each stop light and leading the pack on the highway, it may have a negative impact on your transmission. In general, the more you rev your engine, the more strain you’re putting on your engine and transmission. This is why hard acceleration and mountain driving can wear on the parts in your transmission, especially when done frequently.

Invest in a Transmission Cooler

Heat is your transmission’s worst enemy. Transmission fluid minimizes friction, which helps maintain a healthy operating temperature. Your car’s cooling system helps maintain the temperature of your engine, which also helps your transmission’s temperature. But the more you can help keep your transmission cool, the better, especially if you love taking day or weekend trips to the mountains. Luckily, it’s simple to have a transmission cooler installed, which will help mitigate the negative impacts of mountain driving and towing heavy loads.

An Overheating Transmission is a Quick Way to Speed Up Wear and Damage

The quickest route to engine or transmission failure is overheating. While your car’s cooling system helps maintain optimal temperatures while you drive, there are times your car may need more. Overheating is often caused by excess friction, which is also speeding up the wear on moving metal parts in your car. Not only will you need new transmission fluid after overheating, but numerous parts may need to be replaced, which can become costly.

Make Time for Regular Transmission Inspections

As with other systems in your car, keeping up with regular maintenance and inspections will help head off major repairs. It’s a good idea to bring your car to a mechanic at least once a year to have key systems inspected for early signs of a necessary auto repair. This is especially true of transmission and engine repairs, which can go unnoticed until they’re a more serious problem.


Annual or Seasonal Auto Inspections Can Help Catch Car Problems Early

Depending on the age of your car and its specific needs, it may seem like a lot to bring your car in seasonally – or it may be easy to bring it in every six months for an oil change and inspection. No matter your situation, it’s a good idea to carve time out of your schedule to have your Technician inspect your transmission and engine for signs of leakage and wear every 6 months while having your oil and filters maintained and at least once a year for those that do not drive or use the vehicle for heavy use as much.

Trust AAMCO’s Transmission Experts with Your Car’s Transmission

Whether you’re worried about your transmission or just want to discuss how you can help keep it healthy, the transmission experts at your local AAMCO in Chester, VA are here to help. We’re happy to inspect your transmission to ensure it’s in good condition and help you keep up with a regular maintenance schedule. Plus, it’s easy to schedule your appointment with us online!

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